Even though the Xmas Holidays are fast approaching, and I must say that Westsiders managed to control their impulses at least this time to not clear out the store shelves in response to the dusting of snow the other day, it is nonetheless time to shake off the snow and get back to work. I can tell you Maggie the little black dog, TV celebrity and 2010 Miss March Pet Calendar model, didn't like it one bit.
First up is the meeting on Saturday Dec. 3 to try to set the details for the Cruise to Somewhere and be able to give it a definite date and destination.
Then there is the matter of trying to get photos of classmates, the holdouts, that is, and convince them that they don't look any worse for wear than any of the rest of us and that they should share a picture. I'm not even going to talk about bios. It would have been nice and still will be if people decide to do one, we'll be happy to post it, especially those of you who moved out of town after graduation.
Finally, it is never, never too early to start talking about the 45th. We want it to be the Mother of all Reunions, the one that people will be talking about for years to come. And the only way to have that happen is if everyone starts talking it up now. Not just in idle conversation but in an organized campaign to make sure that every one is invited and made to feel welcome and encouraged to come. Sure there is email, and facebook and we will be using all these modern if not somewhat impersonal methods of getting the message out there. But Linda didn't pound the pavement for all those phone numbers for nothing. We are going to organize old fashioned telephone trees. There is nothing like voice to voice to bring some meaning to the conversation.
This past year, we proved that inclusion and participation results in a great time for everyone who takes a weekend out of the past 2349 weekends since graduation to get together with their old school chums. So this time we've moved a wee bit upscale, but this ain't the Petroleum Club. We don't care what people wear or what they look like. We just want them there at Reitz to see a football game on Friday night, tour the school on Saturday, and show up at Echo Valley ready to break bread together and have one helluva good time yakking.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the T-Shirts? We're talking about having Class of '67 T shirts, and as you know from what's been done so far, when we talk about something, it will happen.
And finally, yes really finally, I want to apologize again to all the veterans in the class who attended the April Get Together. I had every intention of setting up a Veterans' photo but as the 11th hour MC, my tongue got caught in front of my eye teeth and I lost sight of the fact that we hadn't done it yet and people were getting antsy to start talking to each other. So we are definitely going to take that picture at the 45th and we are going to recognize veterans on the website, so send us an email, drop a dime on us (our kids and grandkids have no idea what that means!) and let us know what branch and when you served, and we'll post it up on the website (the page is there already). Many of you served in a time when sacrifice and service weren't held in such high regard. We need to fix that wherever we can.
Can I squeeze in one more finally? If you've moved, or changed email addresses, or gotten a new phone service, you might as well let us know because you know that Linda will find you anyway sooner or later!
So there you go. Don't be surprised to be getting a phone call from a classmate in the next few months encouraging you to go to the reunion because this one's going to be the big one that no one is going to want to miss.