Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Even as we prepare........

Bob Padgett
Even as we prepare for the re-ignition of the Reunion Committee this Sunday with a little meeting to discuss what little needs to be decided, we mourn the passing of our classmate, Ron Carlisle and the beloved Reitz Track and Football coach Bob Padgett. Ron lost his battle with cancer at the end of last year. Not having heard from his family for a while, we feared the worst and the worst was confirmed. Mike Connors first let us know about Coach Padgett, who died just this past week. Obituaries for both can be found on the Memorial and Teachers pages respectively and respectfully.

Work on getting teacher photos is progressing and as ever, those of you who have not yet gotten a photo to Linda will be subjected to paparazzi attentions at the Reunion.

Expect announcement about the sale of T Shirts for the Reunion football game and other September Reunion events. and more details about the Reunion itself (menu, pricing etc.) As ever, we will do our best to strike a balance between a fair affordable price and quality. And as ever, the keyword is inclusion. We also hope to have some of the faculty attending as well. More on this as we get teacher responses.