I used to think that it was one of the laws of the Universe that nothing ever worked the way you think it should; that there was always a little adjustment necessary to keep all the wheels on the wagon turning in the same direction at the same speed.
It turns out that sometimes things work out pretty well; that is certainly the case when it comes to the Pig in the Park get together held this past Saturday, June 7, 2014. For an in-between early summer event for a reunion event that has never been done before, the Reunion committee has reason to be pleased. A few that planned to attend were at the last minute unable to attend and were replaced by folks who thought they wouldn't be able to attend and found last minute that they could. The question was,"Is it too late to sign up?" We replied that only on Sunday would it be too late! As it was, people streamed in and out over the course of the afternoon and there wasn't a great time to photograph everyone together.
We had planned for indoor activities in the case of rain or scorching heat, and a combination of indoor and outdoor activities for good weather. We probably over thought the event by a lot planning contingencies for disasters that never happened. It turns out that for the Reitz Class of 1967, as long as there is a time and place to meet, and good food to eat that the party is on. Between eating and catching up with all the latest, nothing else was needed. Jeff Stevens catered the veggies for a ridiculously reasonable rate per person and Bob Willis's butts were in Pam Irwin's words, "The bomb"! Refreshments provided and BYO were sufficient and the desserts that were brought undid an entire season of restraint and exercise.
We had the building from noon to midnight, but understandably, considering the kind of schedules that grandparents and young at heart seniors maintain, a good 4 or 5 hours is asking a lot.
It's always hard to plan a summer event, and even though it was pretty universally agreed that we wanted to hold an event sometime before the 50th, there just didn't seem to be the ideal date and reservations had to be made for a venue.
All things considered, it was a successful event high in social and caloric content but not too high in revenue. Thanks to the generosity of the attendees, it was not necessary to dip into class funds that have been set aside for the 50th without having to resort to another round of fund raising efforts.
And thanks for your patience in waiting for this blog entry until after our memorable RV journey to Glacier National Park.
So we have a bit of rest before having to think about the next big event: the Big Five Oh! It'll be here before you know it!