Monday, October 23, 2017
A Reflection on a Very Successful Reunion
It's been a few weeks since the F.J. Reitz Class of 1967 held its 50th reunion. After nearly every event that we have had a part in organizing, I know I usually Monday morning quarterback the event, dissecting the positives and negatives and begin a list of things not to do again or definitely repeat for next time. This time I deliberately held back my natural tendencies (well, alright, the foot surgery had something to do with it but that's just a minor distraction) and delayed my critique till this week.
In general, I've concluded that Reunion Committees as a rule, overthinks everything. Give people a place to meet, a place to sit, a decent meal and plenty of time to talk, they will consider the event a success. It's only the Reunion Committee that noodles over details that in the big picture will not make or break the event.
And the single most important thing? That everyone feel invited and welcome. Let us not forget that our involvement with the reunion began with one powerful impetus. You've got a really stubborn classmate who was determined to find and contact everyone. EVERYONE. That is the heart of the matter, plain and simple. Once you've been contacted, it's no one's fault if you've become reclusive over the years. Just like rogue nations, there are reasons that such things happen and a reunion committee invitation is not going to make a difference one way or another if you've been becoming isolated over a 25 year period. Based on my experiences with my own high school some of which I have related to you over the years, I know that a 35% participation rate is really high for as many years as we've been out of school. So I'm delighted if we get over a 125 or so classmates to come to every event. It's not always the same people just because of life. It's called life, and life happens!
Well, life continues to happen and the Reunion Committee is already plotting and scheming our next get together. With the success of the Friday night pork party, we're hearing talk of a 70th birthday party for the class. We may even serve birthday cake, but without candles. Burning down the Bishea building just wouldn't do, now would it? Planning it for around the Fall Festival again would be great, wouldn't it? Needless to say, we'll be meeting and sending out invites when the time comes.
Here's a picture of the room all decorated just before we left for a rest on the morning before the reunion. I was sitting here speculating about older classes who have far smaller attendance than we do simply because of the nature of age and mortality. I know we're a long way from that but it does remind one why it's important that we do this as often as we can.
So here I am sitting in front of my computer and Linda tells me that she had just heard that Max Harth passed away in Switz City. Max went to Cynthia Heights and was apparently one of those people who had been in poor health for many years and who I was destined never to meet. I immediately thought of the picture of the empty reunion room, but I also thought about all the new classmates I was able to meet this time, like Tim McMahon, and Terry Williams, and Angela Hempen and so many others. I haven't given up hope that I will continue to meet new classmates yet, next time, in two years and two years from now I know that I will still have the same lingering regret about not having had the time to speak with each of you. It's definitely not because I think so much of myself; rather it is because there is too little of me to go 'round. That certainly goes for everyone on the Reunion Committee with their responsibilities, but it applies to all the rest of us too. See ya in two years if not sooner.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
It's Reunion Time
The time is drawing down for the 50th Reunion of the FJ Reitz Class of 1967!
So here it is in a nutshell:
FRIDAY September 29, 2017: The Warm-up at Howell Shelter 5:pm-10pm
An informal get together, a prequel to the following night featuring BBQ Pork Butts prepared by Bob Willis. All ya gotta do is show up with either a covered dish, or 2 liters and snacks or a dessert. It's pot luck and a lot of chat. And it's free. That's right. It costs nada, nil, zilch, zero, courtesy of the Reunion Committee that has been wise with your class funds (if we don't say so ourselves) to provide for this cooker extravaganza. Nothing fancy. Just good food and fun.
SATURDAY September 30, 2018: The School Tour 9AM-11AM at Reitz HS
Show up at the link and enter the main entrance to FJ Reitz at 9AM (There is handicap access in the form of an elevator in the right hand entrance). The tour lasts about 2 hours and will be conducted by Beth Carnahan, Reitz class of 1980 and current principal of Reitz. Beth bleeds blue and grey and is one of the most active and popular principals in recent memory. This is the tour that is sure to be remembered and a great way to spend the morning of the Reunion.
Additionally, if you're a golfer, contact Larry Broerman ( who is setting up an outing.
SATURDAY September 30, 2018 The REUNION 4:30/5:00 PM St. Phillips Conservation Club
This is it. It has been 50 years since you last passed through the doors of Reitz HS. You'll find all of your old friends and acquaintances from back then waiting for you. Catered by Gasthof of Montgomery IN, cooking in their mobile kitchen, cash bar and soft drinks and desserts. Good food, good friends, great memories. It doesn't get any better than this. Additionally, we've got some class business that the reunion committee wants to run by you for future reunions.
Dress comfortably and have a good time.
So it's not too late. As of now, we're running our usual 30% participation, but we can always do better! If you're local, there's definitely time to attend - just call or email Linda (812-425-3255 or to get your money in . If you're not, there's still time to make plans, but time grows short. Don't forget that Fall Festival begins the following week.
We will post exacting instructions to get to the Conservation Club in the near future. If you can use the odometer in your vehicle, you will find your way.
So here it is in a nutshell:
FRIDAY September 29, 2017: The Warm-up at Howell Shelter 5:pm-10pm
An informal get together, a prequel to the following night featuring BBQ Pork Butts prepared by Bob Willis. All ya gotta do is show up with either a covered dish, or 2 liters and snacks or a dessert. It's pot luck and a lot of chat. And it's free. That's right. It costs nada, nil, zilch, zero, courtesy of the Reunion Committee that has been wise with your class funds (if we don't say so ourselves) to provide for this cooker extravaganza. Nothing fancy. Just good food and fun.
SATURDAY September 30, 2018: The School Tour 9AM-11AM at Reitz HS
Show up at the link and enter the main entrance to FJ Reitz at 9AM (There is handicap access in the form of an elevator in the right hand entrance). The tour lasts about 2 hours and will be conducted by Beth Carnahan, Reitz class of 1980 and current principal of Reitz. Beth bleeds blue and grey and is one of the most active and popular principals in recent memory. This is the tour that is sure to be remembered and a great way to spend the morning of the Reunion.
Additionally, if you're a golfer, contact Larry Broerman ( who is setting up an outing.
SATURDAY September 30, 2018 The REUNION 4:30/5:00 PM St. Phillips Conservation Club
This is it. It has been 50 years since you last passed through the doors of Reitz HS. You'll find all of your old friends and acquaintances from back then waiting for you. Catered by Gasthof of Montgomery IN, cooking in their mobile kitchen, cash bar and soft drinks and desserts. Good food, good friends, great memories. It doesn't get any better than this. Additionally, we've got some class business that the reunion committee wants to run by you for future reunions.
Dress comfortably and have a good time.
We will post exacting instructions to get to the Conservation Club in the near future. If you can use the odometer in your vehicle, you will find your way.
Friday, February 10, 2017
It's Reunion Planning Time: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
By now you've all probably seen Linda's post about the planning for the 50th Reunion.

So, here's a recap. We made arrangements to rent the St. Phillips Conservation Club Meeting room this past July for October 7, 2017. Yesterday, we discovered that due to an internal conflict at the club, that we were bumped to September 30. Needless to say, we were upset and scrambling like Andrew Luck in his own end zone. There were some domino-like fall-out. Schnitzelbank, our first choice for catering, let us know that they were unavailable for the new earlier date. Just when we thought it was going to start raining toads, Gasthof in Montgomery came to mind and not only could they deliver for that date, they could do so for the same price with additional sides. There just had to be a silver lining somewhere. So, I know we've said this before, but now the place is paid for and the catering is set:
The date is September 30 starting at 4:30pm; serving dinner at 6pm; program and festivities after that till 11pm. The meal will consist of two meats, 4 sides, and included beverages such as sweet and unsweet iced tea and lemonade and some 2 liters of carbonated beverages. Dessert will also be served. Additionally, there will be a cash bar with beer by the can and an assortment of mixed drinks.
As we have done in the past, there will be a program, group photos ( I swear we will gather all our veterans together for a group shot, something I regretted having missed last time, especially since we have so many veterans) and of course, more conversation and reminiscing than you can throw a stick at. Based on what I've seen so far in the past 6 years since we've been involved in planning these events, I think the class could meet in the middle of a cornfield and still have a good time. Fortunately, this will be quite a bit better than that.
We will be producing a new class directory (an anniversary edition!) that will include some memorabilia from graduation and the 60's, updated class information and in a larger format too. I hope to have all this completed well before the Reunion so that it can be ordered and then used to contact your friends and make arrangements. Speaking of contacting people, remember to get in touch with us with new addresses and email addresses and phone numbers if you've moved, gotten a new cell phone carrier, changed internet suppliers either out of frustration or corporate mergers. I want to make the directory a useful tool for everyone and that relies upon you folks to get me the latest information. Thanks in advance for spreading the word.
Finally, the 50th reunion only comes around once in each person's lifetime. It is the big one; the one you shouldn't miss. We're working hard to make it special. We hope you think so too.

So, here's a recap. We made arrangements to rent the St. Phillips Conservation Club Meeting room this past July for October 7, 2017. Yesterday, we discovered that due to an internal conflict at the club, that we were bumped to September 30. Needless to say, we were upset and scrambling like Andrew Luck in his own end zone. There were some domino-like fall-out. Schnitzelbank, our first choice for catering, let us know that they were unavailable for the new earlier date. Just when we thought it was going to start raining toads, Gasthof in Montgomery came to mind and not only could they deliver for that date, they could do so for the same price with additional sides. There just had to be a silver lining somewhere. So, I know we've said this before, but now the place is paid for and the catering is set:
The date is September 30 starting at 4:30pm; serving dinner at 6pm; program and festivities after that till 11pm. The meal will consist of two meats, 4 sides, and included beverages such as sweet and unsweet iced tea and lemonade and some 2 liters of carbonated beverages. Dessert will also be served. Additionally, there will be a cash bar with beer by the can and an assortment of mixed drinks.
As we have done in the past, there will be a program, group photos ( I swear we will gather all our veterans together for a group shot, something I regretted having missed last time, especially since we have so many veterans) and of course, more conversation and reminiscing than you can throw a stick at. Based on what I've seen so far in the past 6 years since we've been involved in planning these events, I think the class could meet in the middle of a cornfield and still have a good time. Fortunately, this will be quite a bit better than that.
We will be producing a new class directory (an anniversary edition!) that will include some memorabilia from graduation and the 60's, updated class information and in a larger format too. I hope to have all this completed well before the Reunion so that it can be ordered and then used to contact your friends and make arrangements. Speaking of contacting people, remember to get in touch with us with new addresses and email addresses and phone numbers if you've moved, gotten a new cell phone carrier, changed internet suppliers either out of frustration or corporate mergers. I want to make the directory a useful tool for everyone and that relies upon you folks to get me the latest information. Thanks in advance for spreading the word.
Finally, the 50th reunion only comes around once in each person's lifetime. It is the big one; the one you shouldn't miss. We're working hard to make it special. We hope you think so too.
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