Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Drawing

The first class fundraiser, the Orange Beach, AL condo drawing will be held:

August 7, 2011 at 4PM
(Proud sponsor of the 2010 Student Directory)

Please let Linda know if you plan to attend the drawing. Call her. Facebook message, Text, Email. We should probably let Parkway know if we're takin' over da joint. (As in, We're da Reitz class ah 67 and we're takin over da joint, see?)  Remember, you don't have to be president, uh, present to win; that if you don't make arrangements with Gary within 60 days, we will redraw. Gary wants the thing to be used for the benefit of a classmate.

In the meanwhile, the sales are going briskly. It has been a great success so far, so be the one to take it over the top! Every ticket goes toward keeping the 45 Reunion reservation price as low as possible so the most number of classmates can afford to attend. As they say, you can't win it if you ain't in it and ticket sales end with the end of the month of July.

Still two weeks to go till the end of sales. Good Luck to all. If you want to buy tickets, contact Linda, Nancy, Patty, Tom or Bob right away quick. Times running out!

Well, seems like no matter where you go, there you are. My own class does not have a directory. They have lists representing everyone that attends reunions, but no complete listing. 621 graduates give or take. Can we do it? You know Linda. Of course we can. Well, you'd think it would be as simple as getting the committee to provide the existing information. Nothing is simple.

Our website classmate information is not as public as the Reitz site. The committee made that decision a while ago apparently. Privacy. This privacy concern is much like parental controls. It may be intended to protect, but what it does as perhaps an unintended consequence, is prevent friends from contacting friends with whom they have lost touch. Just like preventing Google from finding all references to "breast", which makes school reports on cooking chicken breasts an exercise in frustration.

So we are starting from the beginning, the yearbook, adding the lost people we found, and then adding lists for the 40th and 30th after verifying.  A lot of folks are on Facebook so that helps a lot. You know what they say about idle hands. When she's not helping find classmates, Linda is cooking up the next fundraiser for later on this year. I'm not at liberty to say how well we've done with the condo drawing ticket sales, and we're not done yet anyway, but suffice to say, it's been a great success so far.

And finally, thanks to all of you for proving that after 44 years, there is such a thing as class spirit, that friendships can span that many years and miles, and that it is possible to think of doing the get togethers and directories and everything that your class has done. You should all be very proud of yourselves.

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