What with the excitement of the impending Condo drawing, the attendance for which we have no clue, I have been laying low with the idea of short little biographies for the website. I think Pam Carroll got one in. I'm thinking of making threats at someone that I'll make something up for them if they don't come up with one soon. That's just the way this reunion committee works, though. Best performance under threat. Before that happens, do give it some thought. Jot it down on a post card and mail it, or email it to either Linda or myself, milton.yuan@gmail.com and I'll see that it gets posted. You can even phone it in for that matter.
There are some updates on the site, in particular for David Palmer, on the Memorial page. It's a short obit. For me, it's an opportunity to get to know someone who I will never meet.
Yes, I'm still cranking through the process of duplicating the year book and republishing it on CD, much like the Class Directory, and we are still updating the directory as we discover things, or as they are reported to us. We got an email with new information from James Riger, out in Nevada. That is also posted on the website on the classmates R page. I'm about 2/3rds through with the yearbook and have to say that I'm glad I didn't have to do my Wayne Valley yearbook. It is a couple hundred pages.
Combined with the search for Wayne Valley classmates and Linda's honey-do's, I have to go back to work to get some rest. At least the grass hasn't grown much.
Keep an eye on the site. We will be announcing the Condo Drawing winner there and here. And for all of you who participated in the drawing, or who took the opportunity to support the class with a cash donation, you have the gratitude of the Reunion Committee and the Class. And to the winner of the drawing, we expect to see a lot of postable pictures!
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