In return, I received far more than I gave for the $75 they charged for admission. All that I wrote about how some people change, how some people don't, how the reasons for friendships 45 years ago still exist, it's all true. I'd say that I'm so wise, except Linda will tell you the truth. So for less than 1/3 of the cost of my reunion, come make up your own mind about how wise I am. There are people who will be looking for you. If you come, it will make it worthwhile. If you don't, they will miss you.
The biggest problem the reunion committee is facing now is second guessing itself based on the results of the 44th Spring Get Together. While following the guidelines provided by the forms we had folks fill out, we're going to have a cash bar and no music to interfere with the conversation. That still leaves decorations, themes or no, menu planning, program of events, a directory update or not, how to handle memorials (the way we did it at the 44th, while very moving, was quite the downer), so many issues for the committee to work out.
In truth, a hundred years from now, no one will know the difference, but nonetheless, any conscientious person will continue to second guess themselves right up to the actual event and beyond. I know it will turn out fine. I know that everyone will have a good time. I'm hoping for an even better turnout than last time because everyone will have heard about what a good time was had back in the Spring of 2011. And our pictures will still be free for all who want them from the website or for the cost of printing and postage for those without the means to print them. And I absolutely promise to get that shot of the Veterans of the Reitz Class of 1967, without fail. Linda has also sent postcards to teachers who may attend.
Till next time, I will leave you with a thought: No matter what you may think now, attending will have an impact on you. I think back to Dave Spae, in my class, with whom I reunited in the process of putting together my class directory. We were actively finding friends and classmates and talking about the reunion which just took place, on a regular basis. Dave didn't attend. He passed away this past February, just 3 months shy of the reunion. I would have liked to have seen Dave again, but never got the chance. This year Reitz 67 has lost several classmates since the 44th. The message is clear.......
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