Everyone that participated in the Class Cruise of 2013 is now recovered from the trip and back in the swing of things back home thinking about the spring (if it ever manages to arrive) and beyond.
I think all in all the trip to Canaveral, the cruise itself, and the trip back home went pretty smoothly considering the logistics of 20 or so people all traveling different routes to get to the same place. No viruses, no engine problems, just relaxation, sunshine and good food and company.
Makes you want to go back to where it's warm and sunny; speaking of which, we held the Orange Beach Condo drawing 2 weeks ago. The winner was Karen Pfettscher Long Miller. She still has a couple of weeks to make arrangements with Gary Malin or she loses it to Larry Broerman, who was drawn as runner-up. Although not the smashing success of last year, the drawing still managed to raise quite a bit toward funding the Pig in the Park celebration in the summer of 2014.

And we're not done yet! At the suggestion of Carolyn Johnston Warnick and Terry Hudson who prevailed on Linda and Tonja Rosso Duncan to help organize a 50th reunion of the West Terrace class of 1963. From preliminary contacts, looks to be at least 15 or more -attending a school tour by the current principal and a get together afterwards on Saturday, June 8 (schedule dictated by the availability of the principal). Specifics will be announced as soon as possible. The entire low cost function will probably be funded by a simple pass the hat among the attendees.
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